It seems every day now Obama is doing, or planning on doing something that is out of his constitutional authority. From amnesty for illegal immigrants to changing our nation’s gun laws by circumventing Congress, the impeachable offenses carried out by our Barack Obama grows endlessly.
Info Wars has compiled an extensive list that incudes 75 times in which Barack Obama and his administration broke the laws they were sworn in to protect.
The items included range from the well known — his arming of drug cartels to the targeting of conservatives by the IRS — to the less publicized.
As executive orders and illegal actions come and go from our public consciousness, we forget just how large and insane the actions taken by this administration, and to think for not one of these has Obama been impeached.
Remind yourself of the various offenses carried out by Obama by reading the next page:
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Someone Please put Rain Man ( the DRUG CARTELS supplier for guns = Fast & Furious) back on his SPECIAL Little Yellow Bus and take him somewhere were they are Really Really Stupid enough to think his F**E TEARS are for real because we ALL know that obummer ISN’T concerned about protecting the American people , he ONLY cares about his mozlems , Refugees and ILLEGALS and he wants to make it easier for them to take over this country. obummer is without a DOUBT WORSE then any President we have EVER had or EVER could have . obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / mozlem TRAITOR in the White House…..SCREW his mozlems and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees and the GUN CONTROL so his mozlems can Take Over !!!
And CONGRESS looked the other way!!! Obama is here to STAY!!!
He is underhanded and has done many things we do not know of!
we need to rid ourselves of the current govt. All senators, congressmen, president etc. Dumbassed people elected this clown, and now we need to get rid of all the clowns and get people who have the interests of this country and its citizens as their number one priority.
yea if he were white he would have already been under da jail wit da key thrown away
Yeah, he swore on the quran, therefore it makes his presidency invalid, null and void!!!
Lisa Huguenin Sistare Sometimes I wonder if they are being threatened because I can’t believe some of these people are betraying their own country!
Who in our Government has the balls to enforce it?