You may have heard Obama say recently that it is “ridiculous” that terrorists can legally purchase guns in this country. His statements refer to the lack of a provision in gun law that explicitly bars those on terror watchlists from obtaining firearms.
Following his logic, that the terror watchlist is in fact a list of known terrorists, he might have some explaining to do, as no less than 72 Homeland Security officials show up on the supposed terrorist list.
Will Obama admit that, by his own logic, men working within his own Department of Homeland Security are terrorists? Or will he shrug off the notion that terror watchlists are imprecise lists that contain many non-violent U.S. citizens?
He’ll probably do neither. Logic never seems to come quick to President Obama. He’ll likely ignore the fact that those among him fall on the list, while continuing to restrict gun rights to as many Americans as humanly possible.
See the report yourself on the next page:
Time to clean out the gutter
Same vetting process for refugees!
We the American people Demand Obama be arrested for treason and Trump but to take his seat as President Now
Tamra, yes it’s good versus evil, God versus Satan, and then… God wins!❤️
The biggest hoax ever!
Trump needs to take care of this
The people spoke and Mr. Trump won both the popular and the electoral college vote!
I give you that Mr. Trump IS human and has flaws…but, Hillary is a lying, thieving, murderous traitor who is also said to be involved in pedophile activities.
She said when they left the WHITE HOUSE they were flat broke and that’s why they had to steal and destroy from the WHITE HOUSE…NOT!
Ask yourself WHERE then did they get their Billions!??? They sold America out…that’s where!!! To many Islam countries and the Russians and Koreans and Chinese!!! Anyone to pad their bank accounts!!!!!!!
And now, George Soros and the Clintons are using you to start a Purple Revolution… Better look it up because it’s NOT what you think it is! It’s about making the elites richer and more powerful and everyone else into slaves!!! Soros said he “enjoyed selling out his own people to the$#%&!@*s… you think he has any use for you???.
Please use your heads….being sold out is the ONLY way the Clintons now have Billions!!! THEY ARE TRAITORS AND THEY SOLD YOU AND ME AND EVERY AMERICAN OUT!!!
Hillary has broken law after law just as Obama has done. Both of them want to take away our right to free speech. Our right to our religions. Our right to own weapons to protect and feed our families when the economy fails because we are going broke….because they spend trilions more all the time. They want to control the very water we need to live!!!!
Give Mr. Trump a fair chance. He will make mistakes, but pray God guides him and we are still a free nation instead of part of the New World Order that Soros, Clinton, the Bushes and John Kerry wanted for us.
That would turn us into a third world country and we would become slaves to Islam or be killed. And work… would slave just to survive…. IF you could even manage to stay alive!
And don’t think they will keep giving you free stuff because they have this country very, VERY near not being able to sustain our economy at all!!!
Oh$#%&!@* I could go on and on, but the Democrats had a hissy fit over Mr. Trump even hinting he might not accept the election results because they are rigged and damn it, we’ve all known they are for years!!!
NOW Mr. Trump’s life is being threatened and people are EVEN calling for the RAPE of his wife!!!!!! Is this who we are now???????
Let it go and give the man a chance!
Thank you Truth And Action, for Sharing this!
Every one of them, including Little Barry, need to be Transferred to Gitmo!
Where the hell is our FBI ?
Oh I forgot
Comey is a traitor and working for Obama !
Our country is in trouble !!!!!!