An amazing 71% of possible U.S. Army Reserve candidates would be rejected today due to obesity, prescription drug addictions or for other reasons, such as excess tattoos.
Captain Eric Connor, a U.S. Army Reserve Command spokesman recently stated that the majority of applications now fail to meet the recruiting standards due to “mental, moral and physical reasons.” Some on the Left, who are generally not big fans of the military, have seen military service as a social experiment program that offers employment to the least prepared and qualified.
They have forced acceptance of openly gay troops on the military, demanded combat roles and lower physical requirements for women, and are now pushing for integration of transsexual members into the service.
They have forgotten, however, that the purpose of the military is not a jobs program for the least capable, but to protect this nation and to be prepared to enter combat at a moment’s notice. That means that those who join the service must meet standards and requirements that today’s youth are not used to and have not experienced in the lax environment of today’s schools and social scene.
The liberal agenda has been to remove all standards and expectations from America, and while a fast food restaurant or a retail establishment must accept virtually anyone because diversity and acceptance are the highest values of progressives, the military insists that standards must be met, and the coddled youth of today are not measuring up.
More on page 2:
Bring back the “US Military Draft!”
Get government out of the schools, start gymnastics and sports again. Cut back on fattening foods but offer a good replacement. Stop teaching them how to live with computers and learn how to do basic skills for daily living.
Finally, someone who is awake. The elites control everything. People are so blind. So used to having there house, their cars, their 2.3 children, living in the suburb, a decent job. They have no clue. They are blinded by the illusion that normal life is actual slavery. We could all break from this if everyone was willing to give up the illusion and fight. Fight for your own destiny, not the one that’s been picked for you.
Is it really that shocking? It’s all part of the plan.
The Obama admin is doing everything they can to get American men out and to keep any new American patriots from joining so they can trust the unamericans there trying to fill up our military with will do as they tell them when they give the order for Marshall law
Their already training UN soldiers in the United states and not Just in the jade helm “exercise”
they eat themself to a early Grave.Sad
Well neither can I. Oh wait I’m old.
Thanks to communist core.
Kinda looks like the 60’s, when the govt tried to push commie core and a lot of draft dodging.