Those officials who would throw our borders wide-open like to call opponents to their open immigration policies racists, or at least profoundly unenlightened rednecks. No doubt there are some of those out there. But that’s beside the point.
The issue is that it is not possible to properly vet these migrants and refugees, meaning you will allow potentially thousands of individuals into the US who are intent on committing criminal acts. This danger may not be a concern for these government officials, many of whom have very comprehensive, taxpayer-funded, 24-hour security teams. But for the average American, it is an issue of personal safety. And the news of violence by immigrants only supports their concerns.
What news? See page two.
I started to like this Paul Ryan. Turns out he’s a real$#%&!@* Back stabbing S. O. B. Just go vote yourself a raise and you can say you did some thing in Washington.
Run his sissy$#%&!@*out of there
SHARMIN RYAN is for open border and ILLARY
Good by you loser ryan
Ryan sucks big time he needs to gonow.
Ryan is a traitor to America,just like barry
Right on target and well stated. I loved it so much, that I copied pasted and reposted your article, giving you full credit of coarse, I hope you don’t mind. Keep putting it out there.
time to dump Ryan
I’m sure this was part of his plans . Turn traitor and kiss$#%&!@*. What a slime bucket he turned out to be .