Immigration is obviously a major topic in our current election cycle. Candidates as well as voters have very strong and conflicting opinions on the issue. For those who oppose the resettling of migrants from Syria for example, it’s a matter of assaults not only on our culture, but also on their persons.
As the following story indicates, House Speaker Ryan has no problem ignoring the dangers that such immigration present. His loyalty to his party’s candidate for president is already justifiably in serious doubt. He’s on the wrong side of the immigration issue. Perhaps he should just be honest and switch political parties. He increasingly seems more comfortable with the positions taken by Hillary. However we digress at that point.
Let’s see what he’s up to on the current issue. Here’s the story of the hideous rape of a young girl by an immigrant. Yet Speaker Ryan is more concerned about Donald Trump’s locker room tape of eleven years ago.
First, a quick background statistic:
According to a 2011 report from the Government Accountability Office, there are 70,000 sexual offenses attached to the incarcerated criminal alien population.
Now let’s see where Mr. Ryan fits in:
Ryan has remained passive and quiet as criminal aliens have assaulted tens of thousands of American women, but when an 11-year-old audio tape emerged of Donald Trump caught on a hot mic discussing women in crass terms, Ryan declared himself “sickened” and spoke out.
“I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan said in a statement, referring to Trump’s lewd private locker-room style banter with Billy Bush.
“Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified,” he declared. “I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests.”
The day after Paul Ryan was “sickened” by Trump’s decade-old comments, police say a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador broke into the home of a Texas family in the middle of the night, kidnapped the family’s six-year-old daughter while her parents were asleep, took the girl to a park, and raped her.
Police said that they were only able to find the child because someone had heard the little girl’s screams. When the authorities found her, she immediately ran towards the police officers and was visibly “very scared.”
There is no public record of Speaker Ryan speaking out against the alleged sexual assault of this six-year-old girl, nor did Ryan seem to feel the need to take immediate actions that would prevent future assaults of this nature.
Mr. Ryan has his priorities all mixed up. He’s working an agenda that bears more resemblance to that of Mr. Obama than that of the Republican voters who elected Donald Trump to be their candidate for president. It is way past time for the House Republicans to relegate Mr. Ryan, should he be returned by the voters to Congress, to some insignificant role on some insignificant committee.
Maybe that will make him mad enough that in a fit of honesty he leaves the Republican Party and joins his soul-mates on the other side of the aisle.
Source: Breitbart
He needs to be fired.
His wife has collected millions for hillarys campaign, and republicans made him speaker? Wtf?
Ryan =rino
Never did like Ryan.
this man is a total waste of hman flesh
WTF???? “Lock him up” can’t stand him! None of them work for us!! If u call collecting a check,pd vacations, benefits etc “working” then, ur part of the problem .. but I doubt anyone agrees with these pricks!! They’re “welfare recipients “
Ryan makes me sick.