At the Laredo port of entry, hundreds of Cubans come into the United States each day, with estimates 7,000 expected in the coming days.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection released a statement that said that the, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is prepared to process the expected increase in Cubans applying for admission at South Texas ports of entry. CBP officers will process Cuban nationals in accordance with established procedures as expeditiously as possible while maintaining requirements and standards for individuals in our care.”
How are these Cubans coming to the U.S. through Texas? According to one man, Giovanni Acosta, Cubans enter South America, like through Ecuador, and like him walk the 27 day road to the Laredo border.
He is waiting for his wife to literally following his footsteps and when she arrives at the border he will pick her up and take her back to Miami.
Read more on the next page about how this is possible and why it is occurring.
No reason for Cubans to be pulling this$#%&!@*! The imbargo,is off cuba!! Deport these spics, maggots too!!!
Wth why dont we just fly them in from all over save the laundry
No more wetbacks!
HEY TEXAS=SECURE YOUR BORDER=NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are called illegal alien invaders. Leaches, welfare recipients ,freeloaders.
I said Obama will have America with refugees,Muslims, terrorists, and Cubans here outnumbering Americans before he’s out of office. Just watch, and see!!!!!!!
We don’t need Cubans. Here either. We have enough of our own problems without Obama trying to play nicely, nicely with every country around!!! IMPEACH OBAMA!!
Civil war pretty soon if Congress keeps up with this BS. jim R.
This is why this open border refugee nonsense is not working. Close it and send them all home
Obama normalized diplomatic relations with Cuba — there is no longer Cuban refugees
No visa no entry–Mexico can keep them –Mexico should not let them enter Mexico