The 70 recent quakes in central California are the latest in a wider trend of increased seismic activity around the Pacific Rim. One fault line running along the Pacific coast, known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone, currently has the potential to trigger an earthquake with a magnitude between 8.0 and 9.0. Meanwhile across the ocean, Asia was recently blighted by tremors with magnitudes of 6.0, putting populations as far away as the American west coast at risk.
Let it break off and get the freaking squirrels out of our country.
hope you fuckers can swim
How much money?
Get ready a big one comin
We need a mega quake!!!
Hopefully it becomes an island and sinks
Run for your life Jeanne
Rosie and Whoopi fall down
Not enough it hasn’t fallen into the ocean yet..
Stop scaring people, all you do is exaggerate for more publicity. No one cares how many “quakes” you had last night.