Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense means business.
The recently retired General James Mattis didn’t get his nickname “Mad Dog” for beating around the bush. Much like Donald Trump, Mattis tells it like it is. Perhaps that’s why Trump was willing to nominate him to the Defense Secretary post despite the fact that he is technically ineligible. According to federal law, one cannot serve as the head of the Pentagon if he or she have served in the military in the past seven years. Mattis retired from his post in 2013.
Take a look at some of the generals previous quotes and you’ll see why Trump made the pick anyway — and why congress seems willing to make an exception for the impressive nominee. He’s tough as nails and has a quick and clever wit.
His best remarks range from comments on war protestors to woman beaters. See them on the next page:
Zero fucks given for this pages topic. Who cares what words he used to get people to obey him smfh
Give them Hell,ISIS
Gotta love my favorite. Be Polite and Respectful but have a plan to kill everyone you deal with at least 7 ways!
Cut the tax start more wars .that worked out great lol
About time this county grew a pair and stop being passive
This Man is NO NONSENSE!!!
Lmfao hell yeah go trump
On war protesters:
“When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look at him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend because she knows she’s dating a p**sy.” Mattis
Untie the hands finish what you started and it works out fine. Only one country obeys the rules time to get even.