Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense means business.
The recently retired General James Mattis didn’t get his nickname “Mad Dog” for beating around the bush. Much like Donald Trump, Mattis tells it like it is. Perhaps that’s why Trump was willing to nominate him to the Defense Secretary post despite the fact that he is technically ineligible. According to federal law, one cannot serve as the head of the Pentagon if he or she have served in the military in the past seven years. Mattis retired from his post in 2013.
Take a look at some of the generals previous quotes and you’ll see why Trump made the pick anyway — and why congress seems willing to make an exception for the impressive nominee. He’s tough as nails and has a quick and clever wit.
His best remarks range from comments on war protestors to woman beaters. See them on the next page:
Donald Trump is going to “Make America Great Again”. Many people think this statement is offensive for some reason. Here’s why it isn’t:
– we are the most obese nation in the world
– we have 20+ trillion in debt
– we rank close to last in education compared to developed countries
– the media lies to us everyday. politicians lie to us everyday.
– it costs at arm and a leg for health insurance. mine is $600 a month. compare this with my $25 a month auto insurance (from Insurance Panda) or my $10 a month renters. the government needs to step out of health insurance!
– race relations are terrible
– our government only cares about itself and the special interest groups
– our military fights for the interest of oil companies and not too defeat terrorists. (Terrorists control more land today than when we started the war!)
– our country gets offended by EVERYTHING nowadays.
Go Hide In Your Safe Spaces, Libs, and get used to saying it…
On war protesters:
“When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look at him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend because she knows she’s dating a p**sy.”
Amy….you look a bit pleasantly plump yourself….
Bobby, I love this. Thought you might as well.
Horseshit. I wonder what Maj.Gen. Smedley Butler or Gen. Eisenhower would have said about this. And it’s the people who DON’T speak out against unjust, illegal, unconstitutional bogus wars based on lies are the real pussies.
Now we have someone that will do something to keep our people safe.
Mike Pace, do your homework before you make dumb statements ok. Look up the law.He can and will get the job. Just so you know.Stop crying
Tim Peck I hope your not trying to insult the young lady for her views. That would not be very nice of you.Ps; Real men don’t insult woman.
You are right Bob, congress will give General Mattis a waiver and the job is his.