Sixty million displaced people, mostly men from Muslim nations, have up and left their counties, and for what?
A better life to pursue capitalism, freedom and democracy, or is there something sinister in the numbers and from where they have come?
Is there a force behind this multitude? Find out more on the next page.
60 million also makes for one heck of a target as well. F.T.W.
Not “displaced” forming their armies…you bunch od dipwads!
That’s what happens when the mooslims take over!
G*****n cockroaches!!
They’re Mohammad’s soldiers and are infiltrating western countries. All part of the caliphate plan.
Russia will be the last non mooslims strong hold if Europe and America don’t do something soon
Target practice.
keep em out
I agree with the comments here and so the end begins….Lord have mercy!! Seems like the whole world pretty much wants us dead.