Six Bosnian immigrants have been indicted for sending money and military equipment to support ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq.
These ‘terror cells’ sent money through online payment system Paypal as well as U.S. military uniforms, surplus and firearms accessories and first aid supplies.
Kill them all and let God Jehovah sort them out.
Thank you BO.
Now it the time …..
bury them under the jail.
a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
Look at their faces..they are young kids…one looks like a girl..all their uniforms look new and they look like they have just been told to dress up for the picture
Shout them all Down Now Not asap Secure America Now
God, help us!
If one commits an act of murder or conspires in that act of murder, he is guilty to the same degree. ISIS has slaughtered tens of thousands. These cells share in the guilt of ISIS and should receive nothing short of the death penalty. Anything less than death is an injustice to those men, women, and children, who were brutally slaughtered at the hands of ISIS and with the support of those who have conspired with them. Let us not forget those in our own government who have also given aid and comfort to these radical Islamic terrorists, in the form of training, weapons, money, and protection. They must also be held accountable for their conspiracy to commit murder.
Why can’t they line them up and shoot them?