Six Bosnian immigrants have been indicted for sending money and military equipment to support ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq.
These ‘terror cells’ sent money through online payment system Paypal as well as U.S. military uniforms, surplus and firearms accessories and first aid supplies.
Website to small for Ifone can u up grade?
Throw ’em all out of our Country
Good job!
They are already here.
is that a girls’ flag drill team?
23 know terror camps in the u.s we know of around 4000 turban monkeys at least already here estimated plus unknown sleeper cells and obama will do nothing about it as these are his people america is there safe haven
What about Obamas aid to Isis by ignorance
Prison,then deport them.
Don’t believe the hype. .
they are in louisiana 8 years the middle of knowwhere. you better arm yourself