Nickolas Taylor, a fifth-grader from Stacy Middle School in Milford, MA, has been suspended for the mere act of pointing his finger ‘like a gun’ and making laser sounds.
“I think this is very slanderous toward Nickolas and his character,” stated Brian Taylor, the boy’s father. “It was non-threatening. He’s just a typical boy with an imagination.”
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Give me a break. Time for home schooling.
Un believable!
It is not much fun being a kid these days, with poor teachers and administrators.
I would homeschool ,…no need to brain wash you kids into little socialist zombies
wounder what if he put his finger up to his head and said what are laughing about your next 😛
Stupid is what stupid does
Schools have no right to suspend a child for playing & making a “hand” gun
All states need to p$#%&!@* legislation making the suspension of children for any sort of gun simulation illegal. Minimum 2 years in jail for those who suspended the kid
Arrested would be better
Democommies are nuts