Bill Clinton was always able to pull off the “I’m just a great guy, looking out for you” persona, which wife Hillary is not nearly as good at doing. And you would think that eight years of experience with Bill and the history that it was not true would be send a clear message. But Clinton supporters, then and now, seem to completely overlook any damage done and any problems caused by either one of the Clintons. In the case of Bill, however, he started the economic ball rolling downhill, and eventually theĀ entire nation will lay in pieces as soon as all the money printing an zero interest rates patchwork no longer works to keep us afloat, just as all of history has proven will come to pass.
Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, which for 66 years prevented banks from using insured deposits to take on the risk laden financial activities of Wall Street or to merge with those firms to do so. That helped created the environment for the collapse of Wall Street in 2008.
But Clinton also signed into law the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994, which allowed bank holding companies to acquire banks anywhere in the nation, in essence setting up a much vaster opportunity for interstate banking. Then, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 allowed trillions of dollars of OTC derivatives on Wall Street to escape regulation, with all three combining as a recipe for financial disaster.
Too big to fail set in motion, page 2:
nope, do some fact checking on the clinton clan, they’ve always been evil, killary more then willie.
You are Hispanic you must vote democratic
Yes and he and Hillary are criminals and they are so rich like Obama is so rich because of criminal activity!
Mike temple ,you mite love obama , but we are republicans
This is a propaganda site
Killery is hiding a lot of secrets for Billy and bank accounts just might be included. He destroyed the old banking system and now we have this system which only works for the government and the rich.
Been watching news this morning it’s killing these politicians because Trump is winning strategist said they can’t figure out why dummies listen to the people instead of all of your corrupt buddies Trump is going to tear your play house up lol they want scrubio so he will go along with the pac after 8 years of a president who just wants to destroy American values come on Tennesse and Florida get on the Trump Train I do belive scrubio will loose his own state lol face it scrubio you’ve been Trumped
Theif !!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 08 1993 Clinton signed NAFTA
“He” did nothing. Every politician takes orders from the same banker bosses. Our government is the Peoples’ enemy.