A new WikiLeaks release now claims that ISIS and al-Qaeda were essentially created by the American government long before Barack Obama took office.
That doesn’t mean that Barack Obama had nothing to do with the rise of terror across the globe. While George W’ Bush’s decision to expand the War on Terror to Iraq will be argued for decades, Obama’s handling of the war will not. His policies unquestionably left the world a more dangerous place. His sudden withdrawal from Iraq left a power vacuum that was later taken advantage of by ISIS — but ISIS existed long before Obama took office.
According to the documents released by WikiLeaks, “year zero” of the terrorist organization was in 1979, during the Carter administration. It was when that the CIA forged a deal with a foreign government that led to the proliferation of ISIS.
See how the CIA effectively founded the terrorist organization on the next page:
Brennen of the CIA converted o ISLAM years ago in Saudi…and has at least a hundred Brotherhood in the organization! They are a danger to Civilization and all living things in the area. They have an agenda that’s 1500 years old and George Soros, Rothschild and the “One Worlders” can use the war they will cause to dominate the ‘One World’
13 Doctrines of Radical Islam and ISIS
1. You can rape, marry and divorce pre-pubescent girls; Qur’an 65:4
2. You can enslave for sex and work; Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. You can beat sex slaves, work slaves and wives; Qur’an 4:34
4. You will need 4 male witnesses to prove a rape; Qur’an 24:4
5. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay Jizya tax; Qur’an 9:29
6. Crucify and amputate non-Muslims: Qur’an; 8:12, 47:4
7. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in heaven; Qur’an 9:111
8. You will kill anyone who leaves Islam; Qur’an 2:217, 4:89
9. You will behead non-Muslims: Qur’an; 8:12, 47:4
10. You will kill and be killed for Al’llah; (verse of the sword) Qur’an 9:5
11. You will terrorize non-Muslims; Qur’an 8:12, 8:60
12. Steal from bon-Muslims; Qur’an chapter 8 (booty/spoils of war)
13. Lie to strengthen Islam; (Taqyya deception) Qur’an; 3:26, 3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28
Logan Norma I truly believe that a lot of Obama’s bloomings were a set up…take a truck or two and blow them up and spread those videos all over the internet…just to say hey we did some blooming today…he has gave weapons,money and trucks etc to ISIS because the money that he has blowed we could have paid for many wars…plus I’m sure that thet all have filled their own banks as well not counting the money that Obama’s mother in law will get for life…many men and women died this past 8 years and their famlies aren’t set up like she is and VERY WRONG.Trump should put a STOP to her money.RIGHT NOW
So true! It is apparent lives of Americans mean nothing to obama and hillary. They will kill and start a war to cover up their crimes for sure.
Yes! CIA is controlled by globalists and I heard that they are the ones instigating terror attacks globally.
Mina Wilson they have help with George Soros Saudi Arabia and others such as Democrats in the United States.
it was obvious.
They’re not going to get A WA AY FROM GOD.