Great news for fiscal conservatives: the government is tying food stamps to recipients’ ability and willingness to seek some form of employment.
While it may be welcome news to those who feel we spend too much on a welfare program that does nothing but encourage dependency, liberals are aghast at the fact that the government is requiring food stamp beneficiaries to meet some very basic requirements before they get their assistance. While to most people this might seem reasonable, to them it is an unconscionable crime with few parallels in history.
Such hysterical reactions are all the more unwarranted when one actually looks at the the recently-introduced requirements. For able-bodied adults between the ages of 18 and 49 without children or dependents to continue participating in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, they must work, volunteer, or take part in a job training program for at least 20 hours a week.
The new requirements, which went into effect this past Friday, can hardly be called draconian. But in spite of this, some are already projecting major decreases in the number of food stamp recipients across the nation, as beneficiaries cannot or simply refuse to follow the new rules.
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Lete see if Ive got this straight. We bring in 500,000 foriegn immigrants a year and give them work visas, greed sends manufacturing and production jobs overseas to increase profot margin thanks to NAFTA and now we are taking away foodstamps from folks who can’t find work. Food stamps are not part of the problem. Food stamps cost the average middle class working adult around 39 dollars a year in taxes. I for one do not see the reason behind cutting off food for people who are hungry for that amount of tax relief if those people are legal americans. Lets cut the 100’s of billions of dollars in foreign aid to countries who our enemies.
They wont work if there is no benefits ..they will just tax the child support on the man that works everyday so she can sit at home and eat all day
about time
get rid of all these entitlements
And none are Muslims
Daniel J Ahern prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions
Get a job.