On July 15, 2016, a coup d’état against the Turkish government was attempted by the country’s military. The coup failed, but not before hundreds of people were killed and thousands more were detained by people loyal to the Turkish government. While the coup was unexpected, and the motives remain unclear, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s authoritarian style and Islamist rule was suspected as a chief motivator.
As such, when the news broke overnight that the coup was underway, many western intelligence agents welcomed the development. While President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a democratically elected leader, he was pulling the country far away from the values that lead Turkey to become an ally to the United States in the first place.
Of course, not everyone was pleased by the attempted government takeover. Now that it has failed, tens of thousands of sympathizers have taken to the streets in support of the authoritarian ruler.
One such rally took place in Cologne, Germany. See how these supporters tried defending the Turkish President’s actions on the next page:
They are ALREADY here !
Some one please tell the liberals
“1) Theologically-no…Because his
allegiance is to Allah, The moon god
of Arabia .
“2) Religiously-no…Because no other
religion is accepted by His Allah
except Islam. (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
“3) Scripturally-no…Because his
allegiance is to the five Pillars of
Islam and the Quran.
“4) Geographically-no…Because his
allegiance is to Mecca, to which he
turns in prayer five times a day.
“5) Socially-no…Because his
allegiance to Islam forbids him to
make friends with Christians or Jews.
“6) Politically-no…Because he must
submit to the mullahs (spiritual
leaders), who teach annihilation of
Israel and destruction of America, the
great Satan.
“7) Domestically-no…Because he is
instructed to marry four Women and
beat and scourge his wife when she
disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )
“8) Intellectually-no…Because he
cannot accept the American
Constitution since it is based on
Biblical principles and he believes the
Bible to be corrupt.
“9) Philosophically-no…Because
Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran
does not allow freedom of religion
and expression. Democracy and
Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim
government is either dictatorial or
“10) Spiritually-no…Because when we
declare ‘one nation under God,’ The
Christian’s God is loving and kind,
while Allah is NEVER referred to as
Heavenly father, nor is he ever called
love in the Quran’s 99 excellent
“Therefore, after much study and
deliberation…Perhaps we should be
very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in
this country. They obviously cannot
be both ‘good’ Muslims and ‘good’
Americans. Call it what you wish it’s
still the truth. You had better believe
it. The more who understand this, the
better it will be for our country and our
future. The religious war is bigger
than we know or understand!
“Footnote: The Muslims have said
they will destroy us from within.
send the atheist muslims home!
I’m assuming they have the proper permits…
Coming to the US if Clinton goes to the WH…….I would like to think you would want your children and grands safe. They will not be under SHARIA LAW. …..If you don’t know it, look it up…..please…..Clinton will make this a Muslim nation, believe me…….America as we know it will be over………SAVANNA
Preach it !
In a pit….
Full of snakes.
I just love how people$#%&!@*about this$#%&!@* the 1st amendment is freedom of speech and religion… so this is a travesty but if we talk about guns you ride that 2nd amendment your$#%&!@*.. dumb$#%&!@*Republicans
Yes your land, the Indians said the same thing guess it didn’t matter then