The economic situation in the U.S, which translates to the world’s economic health, is fast spinning out of control, with no solution in sight. The central banks collude with one another, but even at that, there are conditions beyond their control, so the global economy seems to be heading for a serious meltdown.
The U.S., particularly under President Obama, has piled up debt that will be impossible to repay. Federally funded debt has doubled under Obama, from $9 trillion to $19 trillion. When you realize that the entire U.S. economy only generates about $18 trillion in goods and services per year, that amount of debt is staggering.
The funded debt is only what is counted on the Federal balance sheets, and there is another $5 trillion in off-balance sheet debt, plus several times that in unfunded liabilities.
The implication of all this is that some degree of financial implosion is inevitable. The U.S. government cannot tax its way out of the mess, and confiscating the wealth of every billionaire and multi-millionaire in the country would make but a small dent in the mountain of debt. For example, Bill Gates fortune is equivalent to less than 0.3% of the debt.
Additionally, the U.S. dollar is under attack and facing serious liabilities. For years, the U.S. dollar has been the currency of choice for international trade, including all trade done in petroleum. The dollar was considered the ultimate in long term stability, and confidence was high among virtually all nations that it would retain value and not default.
Now several large players such as Russia and China, both holding huge sums in dollars, are considering transitioning to other currencies for world trade, most notably to the Chinese Yuan. This will create a tremendous excess of dollars that countries will try to unload, leading to inflation and a huge disruption in world markets.
In addition, the decreasing price of petroleum means that oil producing nations will be accumulating fewer dollars and using dollar reserves to meet their obligations, all of which could portend a world-wide recession or depression.
Expert opinion, next page:
You know if this is true, the only way out is in, to a one world government. War mongering and paranoia could facilitate world merging so to speak. But if we are collapsing then doesn’t anyone think these are all smoke and mirror efforts to dissolve sovereignties. But if a merging is going to happen, of course it would be a series of proxy wars and this and that so that it goes in favor of whoever stands to gain from merging. That is what it all boils down to right? Why we fight? The gain or potential loss.
the central banks always win, regardless which side wins because they fund all sides to hedge their odds
All engineered by wall street.
I suppose we should wait for a planet killing asteroid to restore the balance huh?
The way out is to allow the system to crash. Then from the ashes will arise a new system. It is a natural cycle. Yes it sucks, but it is what it is.
The fear of a total failure is causing us to put it off, which is going to increase the damage potential. Better to just let it go and shake it all down, rebuild and move forward into tommorow.
Trump however small his problems have been compared to this mess our government has caused, has worked them out and still built an empire of business!! I say give him a chance!!!
This why we must besure to choose wisely our future leaders
Matt Thayer scary
You dont think the fact that I just paid $1.64 a gallon has somthing to do with ISIS filling that empty void left open by Obama, so ISIS and their unknown regime (lol) is flooding the market with black Maret oil, as well as many barrels added from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, you are fooling yourself. Why do you think Russia is so pissed off, 35 bucks a barrell is sinking the world economy. You want some advice, go buy oil stock you got any tax returns whatever lol. As both oil and GOLD AND SILVER are at near bottom prices, and set it out if you can afford to wait. Those Saudis will evetually turn the oil flow off after they get paid all the way down the ladder, then get paid again on the way back up again as prices rise again as they always do. I haven’t seen gas this cheap in 20 years of my 41….
Oh! Again!