We are often inspired when someone takes a principled stand for a cause they truly believe in. This is especially true when some sort of personal sacrifice is involved. Even if you’re not entirely sympathetic toward the cause, the act itself can still be inspiring especially if there’s a sense of humility present.
On the other hand, there are those who commit acts of self-sacrifice who are rightly despised. The fanatical suicide bombers to which so many nations have been subjected remain despicable in spite of their willingness to lose their lives in their cause. It’s that their self-sacrificial acts result in murder that they should be condemned.
Then we have another variety of those claiming to take a principled stand for a noble cause. These would be politicians who are simply engaging in political posturing and grandstanding in order to draw attention to themselves. Self-sacrifice is certainly not involved, and is often replaced with hypocrisy. More on page two.
This is their god give right. However couldn’t they put their differences for one historic day. They could take there gloves off and start the knockdown drag out. After all they are dissing the will people Who do believe it was not a rigged.
Hillary Clinton and her husband showed up for the inauguration. Now these Democratic Congressmen look even more like a bunch of cry babies. The person they wanted to win showed up and they didn’t.
This pisses me off! What happened to United We Stand??? Just because they don’t agree with the President elect, they should still be there. After all they have to work together. Better yet, more reason to vote them OUT!
Absolutely it will happen.
They should be voted out of office. This is not standing up for America, it’s bowing down to bitterness, hate, narcissism, bigotry…. and a whole host of destructive character traits. Grow up! Be somebody!
They will forever be remembered as “the Shame of America”!
What do liberals know about principles? Principles require integrity
I guess they don’t want to Make America Great Again. Sad
What principles they have none.
Potty list