We are often inspired when someone takes a principled stand for a cause they truly believe in. This is especially true when some sort of personal sacrifice is involved. Even if you’re not entirely sympathetic toward the cause, the act itself can still be inspiring especially if there’s a sense of humility present.
On the other hand, there are those who commit acts of self-sacrifice who are rightly despised. The fanatical suicide bombers to which so many nations have been subjected remain despicable in spite of their willingness to lose their lives in their cause. It’s that their self-sacrificial acts result in murder that they should be condemned.
Then we have another variety of those claiming to take a principled stand for a noble cause. These would be politicians who are simply engaging in political posturing and grandstanding in order to draw attention to themselves. Self-sacrifice is certainly not involved, and is often replaced with hypocrisy. More on page two.
Vote the crybabies out of office next time! Grow up and show up or get lost!
They are all jelouse of our Trump
There names are saved for farther reference at election time.
The list of people who will not be receiving any votes…
These people are the ones who claim they know how to make our country great. Some stood behind Obama when he signed laws into effect that crippled our country and ran the debt up to 22 trillion dollars. Now they can set back and watch him bringing it down. He already gave back 1.5 million given to him to get the inauguration set up.
No sacrifice for these POS’ s, they are all in districts that re-elect them with out even thinking about what they are doing in congress. Just grandstanding no “principles” at all.
they have PRINCIPLES?!
good. More room for conservatives.
The emblem is donkey $#%&!@* anything else you can’t add
Oh yeah, their time is coming up, soon we will saying by by to those poor old soles!!!