An Arizona Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center kept a secret patient waiting list to disguise the extraordinary wait times that resulted in the deaths of at least 40 patients.
Initially, patients would be placed on the secret waiting list and then moved to an officially reported on just before seeing a doctor. This created the appearance of an efficient operation without all they pesky costs associated with actually providing service on time. In some cases, patients who actually waited nearly two years for care were thus shown as seeing a doctor within 14 days.
Behold the tip of the socialist healthcare iceberg.
Are they investigating how many PTSD soldiers died of SUICIDE while waiting for help because of claim denial?
Just following the order of the Obama one.
I believe the hole VA system needs to be investigated! There is a lot going on that is not right.
When you have a system that has to pay benefits to patients every month that they are alive what is the incentive. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get bonus for their good numbers.
You guys are blaming the WRONG President! These wars, these injuries are due to greed of Republican Bush and Cheney wanting to insure oil stability and profit off defense contracts. Educate yourselves of the facts before you go spewing Hate about this President! It makes us Americans sound ungrateful, ignorant and unPatriotic! Military, Veterans most certainly do qualify for assistance due to low incomes and since Texas a Red State and Governor Perry FAILED to take the Federal Medicaid option….many more will certainly die from not going to doctor, get health screenings or women unable to drive an entire state for affordable wealth ness testing and birthcontrol! My WHOLE FAMILY Veterans And if you are actually Veterans you know long red tape of military DIDNT start with this President but at thank God it’ll get better because of ACA….poor just need to move out of red states or get rid of Perry’s! You for your information Red States MOOCH by far more off this country’s coffers because of the greed that pays lower wages, more foodstsmps, more earned income more head of household … These south red states pay in FAR LESS to our deficits because of their backward policies and greedmongering politicians and make progressive blue state pay the tab of you ignorant bunch…. “Muslim”BS !! You guys just a bunch of stupid red necks deserving gov like Perry!
Actually veterans are dying because red states are refusing to expand healthcare that would benefit veterans, such is the case in Texas, rick perry declined 100 billion I’m aid over 10 years for veterans just so he can show how much he opposes obamacare….
yes and no. he refused the action because of all the additional c**p that was added to it. you need to read the entire paper. it will make you sick.
law suits should be directed to 1600 Pennsylvania ave.. Care of Obama !
This is Criminal!!!!!!!!
Manuel Villarreal, Vets have their own medical system, it is not a part of the Obamacare system. About five years ago, my friend, a Vet Marine in Long Beach, CA was dying from Liver Cancer. He received excellent medical care from the Vet medical system until his death in Hospice. Rick Perry is a very good representative for Texas. About 71% of Americans oppose Obamacare. Only those receiving freebies like it.
If the govt cant take care of its vets what makes you think it should take care of millions more people.
It’s cause he is black right, I know y’all hate blacks