“The transformation has been in the full swing ever since 2008,” states 4-Star Navy Admiral James A. ‘Ace’ Lyons, the former Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet.
“We’ve gotta helluva job ahead of us. With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies and, as reported by some, our lead intelligence agency headed by a Muslim convert, this is not going to be an easy task,” the Admiral further stated.
Watch the Admiral issue this dire warning on the next page:
Don’t let this distract you from the fact that the Atlanta Falcons gave up a 28-3 lead to lose the Super Bowl in 2017
and american people want them here, are they stupid. they$#%&!@*about america havong enough money to take homeless people and veterans but they want to give it to people that have blown up and killed thier family members, good thinking idiots.
Then find them and get them out. Americans are tired of all the talk and no action in Washington, that’s why we elected Trump, why so many Democrats lost their seats, and next election RINOs and Democrats are going to lose even more.
This is a step by step move of muslims to destroy America. Need to watch.
I ask how all these unamerican people had these jobs in the White House and Justice dept and spread into congress were we that easy to fool?
Obama wanted them terrorists in every agency. Obama himself is an anti-American terrorist in my book
Drain the infested swamp president trump in the name of Jesus christ amen
And they had better be packing their bags, there’s a new sheriff in town!!!
Fire these traitors