“The transformation has been in the full swing ever since 2008,” states 4-Star Navy Admiral James A. ‘Ace’ Lyons, the former Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet.
“We’ve gotta helluva job ahead of us. With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies and, as reported by some, our lead intelligence agency headed by a Muslim convert, this is not going to be an easy task,” the Admiral further stated.
Watch the Admiral issue this dire warning on the next page:
impeach obama now asap
Dotty Lewis /// Yeah the Supreme Court Judge who just murdered…What is your question…
I thought so…
Yep. We know it.
Dah he has had them in our white house and valarie jarret is directly tied to them. When will people open their eyes and not for these sick democrat commy freiks. My God
BS. It’s a satire site. Internet hoax.
Chuck Wake up.. open your eyes . go see who is who in all of these postions and then tell me it is satire..
William Green can u name one country that;s better then the united states right right now.
? how
For what and plz let all these other idoits know