The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
NYPD… TURNED THE DEVICES over to FBI…. And reviewed the emails… That’s why FBI was scared it would get leaked!!! FBI was forced to reopen case… NYPD had the devices and found 650k emails….NYPD was the agency that was investigating Weiner… Now FBI gets search warrant on HUMA devices…The computer has a file marked “LIFE INSURANCE” … HUMA was scared… That was her insurance… Get out of jail card!! Is HUMA a spy? Will she get immunity? The Weiner is going to bring down the CLINTON CARTEL!!!
Already have them, thx for the info
Its coming america…WWIII
You think it might have been plan all along ?
Xproofthatbteyvarecxirruotandvbeedctombe innrison Obama,Hillary kerryandbothers
Okay I don’t know why everyone’s freaking out about an EMP attack all that’s going to do is knock out everything electrical last time I checked Firearms don’t require electricity to run you can eat food without electricity you can live without electricity cuz you know we’ve done that for thousands of years yeah you know all the morons that probably most of them that are voting for Hillary will be affected because you know they all live with their phones and tablets and computer stuck so far up your f******$#%&!@*if they can’t see what’s really going on in the world so it’s real simple guys if they EMP blast our country we just got cell phones and stuff real simple I think people need to just gather up go to Washington and kick these f****** out of the White House that’s my view
Obama should be charged with treason and Kerry
They don’t really use electricity that much so it wouldn’t bother them when fighting
We need to stop them all!