The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
I look forward to slashing the throats of Iranians.
Hopefully they will take out our enemies in the government.
It probably won’t affect our government. They have bunkers and are building more preparing for something and it will happen sooner or later whether its an EMP or some serious civil unrest.they have been buying up water guns and ammo by the tons so why would they do that for reason.
And then we should go after them all for this it happens.
Admiral the whole deal was treason !!! Conspired with the enemy !!!
Obama help make it easier for them, by turning over our internet.
Obama bought thousands of coffins that hold five people then gave Iran millions is this the way he planes to kill us?
Gay Bay huh? Wow! I know where you stand now, Mr let’s stay divided and show hate. Look in the mirror and keep directing that towards your weak mind and keep supporting the very transparent and honest, CIA, Pentagon etc and while you’re at it, keep spreading the fear. Ridiculous………