The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
Regan Batt
I hope he’s wrong. Man, what a mess that would be.
Thomas Clemens Jr. Maybe I should take that old fridge and make a Faraday cage?
See the movie Hillary’s America before you vote.
Things can only get better.
This does not border on treason..It Is TREASON..
someone needs togo in and get him and let the people have ther way with all four magots
Trey Buchholz Mmmhmm.
the refection of the moon off the water is opposite moron –
This is what they plan to do. They already predict it will kill 90% of us.