The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
Roy Austin Julie Austin
If O has his way, he will complete his presidency with a “BANG.” American patriots need to unite, & prevent this from happening, no matter what it takes.
Time will tell. Are you ready?
I’m ready to bug out to the desert
The Bride of Christ & The Wedding Day – a Revelation – wrote by the Spirit…..
These coming 911 events will be done for the “Bride of Christ” on her “Wedding Day” and they will bring you to Tears……
On the Wedding Day of the Bride with Christ the first 911 event will take place from LA to Seattle and this 911 event will walk the Bride of Christ down the Isle as these two major earthquakes hit on the west coast. This will only be the beginning of three 911 events that will be taking place at the dance with the Bride of Christ on her wedding day.
These events will bring the Bride of Christ to Tears……
“God the Father” will be at the dance in spirit, But the Rapture Event is dedicated to the falling of Satan that will happen at the same time on this day..
The world can not express how grateful it will be, to get to play a part in the wedding day of the Bride with Christ.
There were also seven stars hanging over the seven churches like light fixtures hanging over the dance floor and all those people that were seated at the tables watching the dance will be left behind.
Many angels will be attending the wedding and they will be watching the dance from above.
Please pray and thank God for giving us this message.
I would tell you more but its for another day.
But I will also tell you this, so you will know because you have the faith.
I will also tell you this, on this day you will also walk on the water, because you have kept your faith in the Lord.
On this day you will also see all the people that you have ever loved in your life, everyone will be so excited to see each other and they will be so happy telling everyone that they to have walked on the water, we will all be so happy, because we know love and love is Jesus and he comes from the Father……
thats why we need trump to get the corruption out of America Now
Listen to the patriots who get it.
Wow…just wow.