The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
Lycrusia Jackson, Jeez, anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence can see you’re not the brightest bulb in the box. Which “disgusting people” did Trump pay off? Trump was ONCE a Democrap as you put it, but he saw the light and became a Republican. Personally, I think he’s really more of an Independent. Trump isn’t a liar, bully, or cheater. He does have a loud mouth and THAT is just ONE of the MANY things we Trump supporters LOVE about him. With that said, his “loud mouth” tells the TRUTH which is HARD for you haters and ill-informed to swallow. If you are referring to him being a “crybaby” because he told the ugly TRUTH about the political system and the fact that our government WAS NOT LETTING CITIZEN’S VOTES COUNT and you cannot understand how that was beneficial in the long run to EVERY American I feel sorry for you. If you are referring to him being a “cheater” because he cheated on his first wife, that isn’t really any of our business. After all, Bill Clinton had mistresses IN THE WH and my personal belief is that Hitlery is fine with that (in private), but has to make it look like (in public) that she was a scorned woman. If you want to discuss a LIAR, I can show PROVE to you a number of LIES Hitlery has told. I can also show you how Hitlery has cheated. I can also show you how heartless Hitlery is. I can also PROVE to you what an abysmal failure she’s been as SOS. I can also PROVE to you what an abysmal failure she was when Bill Clinton delegated jobs to her under his administration. I would suggest you do your due diligence and really EDUCATE yourself on what a POS Hitlery is. Whenever I see someone supporting Hitlery, it makes me question their judgment, morals, values, compassion, logic, and integrity. IMO, anyone who can overlook all the Clinton lies, scandals, racism (Stanger and Thurmond), the disrespect she’s shown our allies in Israel, her blatant disregard for human life, and her re-victimization of a twelve year old rape victim, along with her litany of national security failures (not to mention her failures under Bill’s terms) and still vote for her is as devoid of morals, compassion, accountability, logic, integrity, and emotional and mental competence as she is. Yes, Trump has a few ‘transgressions” in his past, but if you really compare the Clinton’s trail of lies, scandal, and trail of deaths, Trumps ‘transgressions’ in no way compare! If you really think about it, this is one of the easiest choices America has had in a long time. Why? Because you either vote for Trump and save our Constitution, the BOR, and our freedoms OR you vote for Hitlery and subject America to many generations of forced Socialism (systematic revocation of the Constitution starting with the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights all the fit the Soros and other World leaders plans for New World Order/Agenda 21) I want to remain FREE and I want the same for my daughter, my grandchildren and their children! TRUMP 2016!
That’s what people are saying
And when that happens, what are the “useful idiots” going to do to survive?
Let’s send money to Russia and China too. That way everybody gets to blow us up equal rights lol
What the hell is taking so long??? Get it over here and cleans this shithole out!!! I know one thing for sure, the stinking liberal democrats will regret what they’ve done and are still doing to destroy this nation!!! It’s an evil organization owned and controlled by George Soros and Warren Buffet who dedicated their lives and fortune to do the one thing that has never been done, “destroy America”!!!! Those turds dont even live here, and they do the planning in one foreign country or other!!! Yep, just like the heading of this post indicates, who is aiding the enemy who will pull this off!!! It sickens me to feel the American people seemingly dont give a damn!!!! Come on Iran, come on CIA, stop screwing around pansyasses!!!! Just do it dumbasses!!!!! Cowards!!!! EMP, just do it!!
no surprise
Arab backed US State dept. Created Funded/ Armed ISIS AND Drug Cartels in their own words WHILE Maintaining OPEN Border WHILE allowing Mass immigration= INVASION. People, think. Do the math.
The curse of democracy!
Dude stfu fuxk trump2016
eddie little bought and paid for gorge soros/obama troll..STFU and go back to the liberal feeds. I hear they have plenty koolaid for you lockstepping “useful idiots”