The Daily Ledger asked retired four star Admiral James Lyons if there is any doubt in his mind that Obama’s Iran deal provides Iran with a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon, either in the short term or long term.
Read the obvious answer on the next page:
How in the world can we protect ourselves??!!
Our military has been intentionally weakened just for such a purpose of destroying America…God is our only hope…and Donald Trump!!!!
Our military has been intentionally weakened just for such a purpose of destroying America…God is our only hope…and Donald Trump!!!!
Lol just look at Jackson that should say it all I’m Trump all the way and I’m of Latin Descent in California I agree with him but does it matter nah were fucked anyways
Obama, & Kerry, & Cia Director are Muslims
Yes I Agee ,prayer changes things.
don’t have ballistic capabilities, although China is almost there,so we need star wars tech in the sky now.
Barry is an as$#%&!@*that needs two shots in his head
Give him his oxygen back he’s going out.
It is like our very own warm little Manchurian Candidate!