Four Marines and one cop has been shot at a Chattanooga U.S. Naval Reserve Center this morning. The cop is in stable condition and headed into surgery. A press conference is due in a few minutes and can be seen on page 2 on a live feed.
One witness, who is a server at a local restaurant, states that she saw a man who had been waiting in a silver Mustang convertable firing a rifle at the recruiting offices at 10:50am local time.
Probably Jade Helm
question is who paid them to do it could be another omama red flag to help push more gun control
Kate some people just don’t get it! Never had never will! I cl$#%&!@*ified them as “USEFUL IDIOTS”
The government will Not give you the shooters name until They are done with manipulating his Facebook pages or what ever social Media site that he use , to fit there agenda.
let’s wait and see his profile??
False flag again.
In a gun free zone right
Tim I’m not afraid to use it! If that’s what it takes. To save mine or anyone else’s, it will be done!
they say its isis insired so you know it must be one of obamas own