Four Marines and one cop has been shot at a Chattanooga U.S. Naval Reserve Center this morning. The cop is in stable condition and headed into surgery. A press conference is due in a few minutes and can be seen on page 2 on a live feed.
One witness, who is a server at a local restaurant, states that she saw a man who had been waiting in a silver Mustang convertable firing a rifle at the recruiting offices at 10:50am local time.
Can America get any wilder?Breaks my heart for these marines and the police officer. Who was the shooter?
Wonder if it was an american or a Vet they chased down???????
SUCH a NEEDless cir$#%&!@*stance!!!
Yeah, they even had parts of Cleveland locked down.
If our government won’t do anything about these Islamic terrorist and masque here in the U.S. Than who will, it’s almost as if the Islamists have sanctuary just like illegal immigrants….. We’re doomed…
Because Bill Clinton made them that way.
So True. This is a Distraction. Something much larger is being hidden in plain sight. Time will tell.
It’s useless
To give law bidding citizens guns when we are afraid to use them , because the government of the U.S. Will charge the law bidding citizen with a crime if they use it…..
Smart an beautiful!