Four Marines and one cop has been shot at a Chattanooga U.S. Naval Reserve Center this morning. The cop is in stable condition and headed into surgery. A press conference is due in a few minutes and can be seen on page 2 on a live feed.
One witness, who is a server at a local restaurant, states that she saw a man who had been waiting in a silver Mustang convertable firing a rifle at the recruiting offices at 10:50am local time.
Must’ve been a liberal with a gun!
Here comes all the False Flags..
Very true
Another government set up!
Your joking?
Why are our military bases gun free zones?
I told u they would start killing our police & military our USA military part of jh
Jason Nunn the DOJ sent 29 million dollars to the family members of the “Charleston shooting” that is completely f**e.
Pray for the families of the cop who is stable right now but just learned that the 4 marines have died at this point n time. I’m soo sorry for hm and their families. They did get the shooter. He was shy by olive I believe so no
Not free To go anywhere else. So the four marines and shooter are dead.
$#%&!@*inate the 3 of them. I am not afraID TO SAY IT IS ANYONSE?