Four Marines and one cop has been shot at a Chattanooga U.S. Naval Reserve Center this morning. The cop is in stable condition and headed into surgery. A press conference is due in a few minutes and can be seen on page 2 on a live feed.
One witness, who is a server at a local restaurant, states that she saw a man who had been waiting in a silver Mustang convertable firing a rifle at the recruiting offices at 10:50am local time.
I hope they get the guy and put him up against a wall and shoot him
this is the Obama way.
Arm all Military base Period
You’re more than likely correct Warren Rudy – they need to rescind that law. Military places are one of the last places that should be left unable to protect themselves.
Here we go. terrorist attack. Protect yourselves. Now it starts!
My goodness
Carry on sidearm should be mandatory. No gun free zones!
The vast majority, if not all, these m$#%&!@* shooting happen in so called gun free zones. Except for maybe Chicago. Oh wait. They have some of the most restrictive and dangerous gun laws in the country and look at the shootings there. You’d think intelligent people could figure this out. The fewer legal guns, the more shootings. Duh!!!
I’m in Kansas. I’ve known for at LEAST 1-2 years that iSIS has a presence in Nashville area of TN and a radical Imam. Was this a surprise to the military?
Now this buffoon in the WH will say that this was “job related” just as he did in the Ft. Knox killing of 14 of our defenders by Nidal H$#%&!@*an