Four Marines and one cop has been shot at a Chattanooga U.S. Naval Reserve Center this morning. The cop is in stable condition and headed into surgery. A press conference is due in a few minutes and can be seen on page 2 on a live feed.
One witness, who is a server at a local restaurant, states that she saw a man who had been waiting in a silver Mustang convertable firing a rifle at the recruiting offices at 10:50am local time.
your right…exactly how it always happens when Obama is UP TO SOMETHING. Detour,Distract……..and it is the last days of ramadan. Shooter is DEAD so he wouldn’t talk. I remember the days when they took everyone down without killing them to get INFO, not the case anymore.
We need to let Marines and Army Combat trained carry on post and of Post Military facilities. If we can let them carry for us they can carry to protect their own lives when at home!
why not air focre or army or coast guaed to be put down
We need to let everyone carry honestly lol
Thanks to oboma the military can’t carry weapons on base and all these illegals and Muslims and illegal gun owners know this it wouldent supprise me if this is part of oboma’s and Sharpton plan to push for more gun controll
Gun free zones are killing zones.
ack of war with or own miltary and the handle things different in country/usa
Gun control or no gun control .I will own all kinds of guns I will buy them illegal don’t matter.