On the previous page, we saw the obvious coverup. The Clinton Foundation claims concerning its supposed grant to CBHF do not reconcile with CBHF filings.
How much money did the Clinton Foundation actually receive during 2010, while soliciting to help poor Haitians after their devastating earthquake? More important, where did the money raised for Haiti by Clinton, Bush, and their associates actually go? And remember, 2010 was a key election year, with much at stake for Democrats.
The same accounting firm — BKD LLP — that rendered opinions to the Clinton Foundation during its early years continued as its auditor during and after 2010.
We certainly will never know the answer to that question if we must rely on Rosenstein, Mueller and Comey, who, it must be remembered, were failing to catch obvious frauds during those early years.
And one more thing: The same accounting firm — BKD LLP — that rendered opinions to the Clinton Foundation during its early years continued as its auditor during and after 2010.
The swamp is deep an wide and the will fight like hell to keep their crimes covered up, hence the endless investigations and attacks on President Trump. It takes a special kind of evil to steal from the sick and dying, and it will take special tactics and strategies to expose the massive criminality. Prayers for our President.
I always New their were crooks living in the white House, it was all so secret that the people have been in the dark for so long even though the stench was strong. It all needs to be brought to the surface they’ve gotten by with it for so long. These low life’s have made millions of dollars off us hard working tax payers. It’s disgusting and shameful.
If someone is not held accountable for this heidious
Crime it will continue to hurt all Americans in the future