“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” states Dave Schuit, a local beekeeper who produces honey in Elmwood, Canada.
About 37 million bees, or 600 hives, died right after GMO corn was planted nearby in Ontario, Canada.
That’s a just bit too coincidental.
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Monsanto doing it, s job killng bees
Amazes me how many sheeple still think this is no big deal.
Find the 2 and tomorrow you will be kissed
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555555555555555 555555555555555
555555555555555 555555555555555
555552555555555 555555555555555
555555555555555 555555555555555
555555555555555 555555555555555
555555555555555 Count down: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-
3-2-1… Now close your eyes and make a wish!
NOW, *,*,*,*,*,*,*paste this into 15 comments an
your wish will come true.! Hurry you have 20
minutes or the opposite of your wish will come true
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OK, I know this is a serious problem and I’m not trying to belittle the report. But, honestly, who counted those bees…
It’s a joke folks.
GMO corn produces its own insecticide….the bees get pollen to feed there young… the young bees die and the older bees die after six weeks …..is the whole colony dies
Yes, but on the cruel side.
what about humans? won’t get anything gmo.
We have got to stop Monsanto from destroying our future survival! No money in the world is worth what they’re doing to all of us and our children. Why don’t we get to vote on this atrocity?