“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” states Dave Schuit, a local beekeeper who produces honey in Elmwood, Canada.
About 37 million bees, or 600 hives, died right after GMO corn was planted nearby in Ontario, Canada.
That’s a just bit too coincidental.
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Boycott all GMO products that are made by Monasato.
Food shortage has been coming.
This is propaganda, not proof. Show scientific proof or shut up.
We need bees
All bad
Good supply will be wasted.
kill the bees nothing gets pollinated if that doesn’t happen guess what doesnt grow. and the elitist get their wish. totle rule cose guess who controols the rest
Uncle Sam is stomping us to pieces.
need to take care of the bees ….Come to think of it, I hardly ever see a bee anymore