“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” states Dave Schuit, a local beekeeper who produces honey in Elmwood, Canada.
About 37 million bees, or 600 hives, died right after GMO corn was planted nearby in Ontario, Canada.
That’s a just bit too coincidental.
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Yeah it’s those damn chemicals being stayed every single day in the sky’s I see the spraying daily!!!!!! Famine is coming people !! Jesus did say man does not live by bread alone” remember that people and trust in Jesus Christ!
GMOs had nothing to do with the die off. Pesticides kill bee’s.
You could say ” millions of bee’s die just after the farmer started his tractor”. Tractors are bad.
The warnings were heard throughout the world two years ago we are in the end times it will continue to get worse god is still in charge and our redemption from our exile is coming to an end!!
no to gmo
And the politicians (bought and paid for by those producing the GM foods) will not even require these foods put into our food supply be marked as such. It is irresponsible beyond imagining. But back to bees….if they go…we all go. Raise your voices against GMO.
can’t fool with mother nature
There is a reason why most countries around the world has banned GMO and their products. The mice and rats will not eat GMO corn. That tells you something doesn’t it
Where is the FDA?????????
Did they cross corn with tobacco again? At one time tobacco grew wild from Alaska to the tip of Florida…. “And we had NO bees here” as they are an import from the 17 and 1800’s. Don’t need a PHD or government grants to figure that one out!
GMO’s are patented as insecticides. This is a no brainer….