“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” states Dave Schuit, a local beekeeper who produces honey in Elmwood, Canada.
About 37 million bees, or 600 hives, died right after GMO corn was planted nearby in Ontario, Canada.
That’s a just bit too coincidental.
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this is because of gentic alteration to the seed & also monsanto sprayinng bad chemicals. Wake up America.
can you imagine what it’s going to do to us?
All by design………………. depopulation.
guess the kids are so dumb they dont know how to stand up
Save the BEES
I knew GMO was a horrible idea the moment I heard about it. It won’t become a problem until the people who benifit from it start to starve and by then it’ll be too late to do anything about it.
I work for a company that sprays nut trees with pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. This is generally what it looks like after pollination season. I was worried about this at first, but the bee keepers assured me that this is quite normal. They expect losses like this at every site. They still maintain their hives and go home with plenty of bees. It seems like the people worried about this should be the bee keepers. It’s almost like someone trying to keep me from being offended from something that doesn’t offend me at all!!!
Down with GMOs!
GMO is bad for everybody
Whatever the problem is we need to solve it, before its too late?