“Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” states Dave Schuit, a local beekeeper who produces honey in Elmwood, Canada.
About 37 million bees, or 600 hives, died right after GMO corn was planted nearby in Ontario, Canada.
That’s a just bit too coincidental.
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Monsanto, like Obama could care less about America and her people, just keep that almighty dollar rolling in…
The whole world should boycott all GMO plantings, their foods and insecticides and grow foods hydroponecly.
Most countries have banned Monsanto but not America and evidently not Canada.Better wise up you money hungry mogels.You are destroying the earth.Stop the Greed!
Quick someone start a new bee farm to support 37 million bees plus double it.
yeah I live in corn country. when they spray with the big 47 foot boom sprayers we head to town and close the windows! no clean air in rural areas now
Keep electing nut job tea partiers and republicans and you can kiss your whole environment good bye. But you don’t care as long as you get to hate on the president.
Makes me sick!
This should be stopped…
Without these bees we will have a food shortage… Save the bee’s the hell with the American burying beetle… We need the bee’s more..
no Mac it was the GMO
ya monsanto that is the smoking gu n