CORRECTION: We corrected this article to address inaccuracies brought to our attention after a reader cited fact-checking research by the organization Politifact.
Politifact‘s Jon Greenberg explains that the original source of the news article we referenced was a straightforward petition asking the U.S. government to reject the 1997 Kyoto agreement on global warming. The signatories of the petition rejected the claim there was convincing scientific evidence of global warming caused by human-released greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide or methane. The petition did not mention the notion of a hoax for financial gain:
An article on the News Punch website said that “30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money.” The source is a well-known petition project.
The key flaw is that the petition challenges the science, but it doesn’t cast human-driven climate change as a hoax aimed at making some people rich. That is pure interpretation by the website.
Greenberg also points out that the statistics presented at the Global Warming Petition Project, which circulated and published the results of the petition, include signatories whose training and accreditation outside the discipline of climate science. Some who signed the petition may not have pursued a career in science, let alone the narrower field of climate science.
The left has long used “environmentalism” as a way to force liberal public policy. They cite the need to protect the Earth as justification for higher taxes, harsher regulations, and bigger government. The theory of global warming may have been the most fruitful blessing the left have ever received from the scientific community.
Many key leftist policies can be linked, somehow, to climate change. They’ve even managed to popularize a derogatory term for those who are skeptical of the scientific theory, “Climate change deniers.”
Unfortunately for the left, some of the “deniers” are well-educated folks who have given the matter sober thought. Among the “denier” ranks are over 30,000 who signed the petition by the Global Warming Petition Project affirming their belief that “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”
You can read the full petition form on the Global Warming Petition Project site and learn more about the project on their FAQ page.
Politicians and climate-change activists promote the statistic that over 97% of scientists agree with the theory of climate change as if science is a popularity contest in which consensus is more important than discoveries backed up by evidence from repeatable experimentation. This does a great disservice to the real, dedicated scientists who seek to question, observe, and explore the world and to understand phenomena through the results of rigorous experiments.
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Go away you arrogant money hungry lying politician Your making tons off this issue and it is not true
Love your comment, 100 % right on. Lloyd
Bill Clinton said it best. Worse VP I could have selected.
NEWS FLASH: We aren’t GOD fools we can’t control the WEATHER!
It is outstandingly amazing how the general public of the USA is totally ignorant of the most knowledgeable book in all History of the world. It is called the HOLY BIBLE there is a Great, Great, Great famine of the reading of the Word. I am old enough to remember what the scare tactics used to be of the big fear of Russia, young people do not understand this, it was called the Cold War, see here is the plan of Politicians this is not Party related its most of THEM Now its CLIMATE CHANGE, how strange their minds work, BUT if you study the HOLY BIBLE you will see the Master plan of this. We fight not against flesh and blood, we fight against Spiritual Warfare in High Places in the Heavens by satan and a HOLY GOD. Now the big issue is health care, let me put it short and simple and very, very clear, satan and his followers are all trying to replace God and His great work and Love to All mankind, Communism, Muslims, and all false religions try to make mind solutions. Here is the answer Jesus Christ is the ONLY SON OF GOD and He paid for all SIN in the universe, all racism, all man made programs it is satans way to try to control the world and ANYBODY WHO FOLLOWS THESE MAN MADE THOUGHTS AND SYSTEMS ALL COME UNDER THE SPIRIT OF THE MIND, which is an enemy to God and not subject to God. NOW LETS GET REAL AND CLEAR AND RIGHT TO THE POINT. Jesus died for All sinners and if you believe and accept and follow Him all these issues will disappear and politicians would be out of work, the Obama Care, Who Cares, Trump Care or any New health plan is also ALL TAKEN CARE OF, By His stripes WE ARE HEALED AND THAT IS ALL MANKIND. There is one plan in full force and its the health care of politicians, if that was extended to all citizens there would not be one five minute discussion on this issue, but all those lying politicians take care of them selves and five a duey for the common people, lets give all the people the Senators and Congressmen health care and its a mute subject and those who believe in the words of the Bible that by His (Jesus) Stripes we ARE healed the horse is dead and all USA citizens will be happy and it will spread to many foreign countries as well. One more quick point THE BIBLE says people would rather believe a lie then the TRUTH and with that do not think this administration or any other that is not headed up by King Jesus will ever solve any of these issues,. Now here is the test, Try it and see I did all I did is said ONE PRAYER, God if you are real, reveal yourself to me, He did Jesus came into my bedroom and touched my life three things happened, ALL MY SINS WERE GONE, 2. I RECEIVED ETERNAL LIFE, 3. I was delivered and overcame a alcoholic problem. Oh yes I have to be honest I have sinned way too many times since then and also have fallen off the wagon but Jesus is ever loving and forgiving and has kept me and all this happened on August 4th, 1960 that’s almost 57 years pretty good record, eh? Now in all the Love within my I ask and recommend the same to you. Lloyd K. Vogel
He has ripped off the public for decades.
Al didn’t start this.
Gee, according to The ALGORE, both ice caps would be melted, the polar bears would be extinct, and our coastal cities would be under water by now!
he said (11 years ago) that we were only 10 years away from disaster!
Climate change is a cover story for the electromagnetic effects of the Fiery Red Dragon of Old as it enters our solar system on its erratic elliptical ~360 yr orbit on the ecliptic.
AL sole people money and got taxpayers money! He crooked!
Al Gore is a climate change pimp. Loved by chicken little everywhere.