Hodges: The 8 Simultaneous Attacks That Will Kill America in a Single Night

7. Turning Out the Lights on the Northeast

In October/November of 2013, [many] expressed extreme outrage at the fact that President Obama was allowing our enemies, the Communist Chinese and the Russians, who had both threatened to nuke the U.S. several times over Syria, to participate in the GRID EX II drills in November of 2013. By doing so, we handed off the keys to our power grid to our enemies.

[Chinese and Russians] want to capture the Eastern seaboard intact. Taking down the grid would accomplish this goal. Further, in 2013,360,000 foreign troops trained for urban warfare in the Northeast.

On November 2, 2015, every alphabet soup agency practiced for both a biological and EMP attack upon the Northeast. All essential personnel have been told to not have their [bug out bag more than arms reach away.]

Hodges cites the Northeast, but all of America is completely vulnerable to this most terrifying threat, which NO politician is taking up.

Fox News’ Judge Pirro gave a must-see, in-depth report on the potential of EMP destruction:

McChrystal, and a drone attack silences a reporter with classified documents next page

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  1. Angel

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