Apparently, 250,000 Virginians were still unaware of Obama’s lie that “If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.”
So, thinking they could just ‘cancel’ Obamacare and not follow its rules, they are set to lose their health insurance.
“Nearly a quarter million Virginians will have their current insurance plans cut this fall,” said the local anchor. “That is because many of them did not–are not following new Affordable Care Act rules, so a chunk of the companies that offer those individuals their policies will make the individuals choose new policies.”
Says the reporter, “This goes back to that now heavily-criticized line we heared before Obamacare was put in place: ‘If you like your plan, you can keep it.’ Ultimately, that turned out not to be true for thousands of Virginians and companies in the commonwealth. … Wednesday Virginia lawmakers on the health insurance reform commission met for the first time this year. Turns out, a staggering number of Virginians will need new plans this fall.”
A Virginia health official says, “Cancellation is a word that’s used all the time…but really what’s happened is the law has changed. We’re not allowed to offer those plans anymore. So what we’re saying to them is, you need to move to one that’s compliant with the law because that’s what we can offer.”
Wow so they will lose over this, i would take it to court and sued them for lying and to return all money back…or they would have to help these people getting their health insurances replace.
See how good obamacare is you stupid voters.
Yet they still voted in a Democratic Senator.
That’s what’s scary about the educational level of most Americans. They are already zombies. Won’t take much to be totally controlled like a robot
well how do they feel about him now they fell for it so to bad
And yet, the idiots still voted for that first class democrat scumbag, Terry McAuliff, to be be their governor!!!! Even after 6 years of democrat (obama, harry reid, nancy pelosi) tyranny…..the dummies STILL voted democrat!!!!!! Sorry about your stupid luck, Virginia voters!!!!
Didn’t Virginia carry Obama during his election? Good for all of them.
How does one like being referred to as “stupid”?
I can’t think of anyone I know, including myself, who would like being referred to as stupid but, unfortunately and in some cases, this one for an example, if the shoe fits, you wear it.
Fraud from the start.
My daughter just lost her’s too. Obamacare, Libtards and Obama have all been a disaster for America. Let’s all get involved and make sure we don’t elect any more Anti-American Traitors!