24 Pro-Trump Candidates Running for Congress in 2018

1:  Michael Snyder, House of Representatives, Idaho

Michael Snyder is one of the most popular conservative authors in America.  He is the author of four books, he has been a frequent guest on major radio and television shows all over the nation, and his websites have been viewed more than 100 million times.  Michael’s articles are also republished on dozens of other major websites, and this includes some of the biggest alternative news websites on the entire planet.

Michael’s father was in the U.S. Navy, and so as a child he moved around quite frequently.  After spending six years in Italy during his formative years, Michael’s family settled in northern Virginia and that is where he attended high school. After high school, Michael attended the University of Virginia where he received a Bachelor of Science in Commerce, and later he went on to law school at the University of  Florida where he received two degrees.  Michael worked as an attorney for several years in the heart of Washington D.C., but since late 2009 he has made a living through his writing.

Michael is also known as an extremely vigorous advocate for freedom and liberty.  Michael considers Ron Paul and Rand Paul to be two of his role models, and like them Michael wants a federal government that is much more limited in size and scope.  Michael wants to transfer as much power back to the state governments and the people as possible, and he believes that Idaho would be much better off if the federal government would just leave us alone.

Michael is also a man of very deep faith.  He is a Bible-believing Christian that has ministered all over the country, and his personal relationship with Jesus Christ is at the very core of everything that he does and everything that he is. Many politicians are very hesitant to talk about their faith, but Michael is not ashamed to say that there is  no hope for this nation unless we turn back to God.


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