Remember when those fighting against Obamacare warned how exorbitant the costs would be, yet the left screamed, “They are trying to scare you!”?
Welcome to the reality bites segment of Obamacare, the “Penalty Phase”. Not only has Obama and his cronies forced all America into purchasing something that is over priced and for many not affordable, but will punish the individual with a penalty…aka tax, if one does not buy said insurance.
Americans who choose not to get qualified health care coverage, for whatever reason, will get a hefty hand slap in the form of a financial penalty each year they don’t have insurance.
Americans who filed tax returns in April this past year got a glimpse of the “Affordable Care Act” fines for 2014 for not having insurance and 2015 promises to be much worse. But wait, 2016 is even more tragically promising.
On the following page one can see a breakdown in these penalties and what is to be expected this coming year. Nothing affordable at all has come out of this albastross called Obamacare.
Charge to racist democrat, and all who voted for spending bill.
Yeah I got a notice saying my $95 fee is now going to be $600. So much for looking forward to a tax return.
Call it what it really is; AN ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL TAX!!! Quit sugarcoating everything for Obama.
ACA just reduced funding to our southwestern Connecticut Hospitals by 1.6 million; so who will pay the difference> Thats how POTUS is paying for refugees.
Univision just said that illegals will be able to get ID’s to be able to vote. And guess who they will vote for? Killery.
Dana Kostenbader-Shelbo, Daniel Jr Kostenbader, Joey Kostenbader, Jaime Thompson-Kostenbader, Andrea Petresky-brother
Your right it is the biggest scam of the century…
I was buying medical insurance. For Obamacare only qualified if your income is Jess than $10,000 . Of your income is higher , one person like Blue Cross monthly payment $550 and a deductible of $7000 of you become sick znd hospiltalized. Is that fair for a common person? . Wow! Even the homeless and prodtitute did not ask for this fir the expense of the middle class. We cannot afford it unless we don’t have to eat.This is is satanic and demonic and you have yo pay penalty for not having insurance. Jesus us my medical, and health insurance . Lord Jesus You are my primary care Physician. I trust in You and totally dependent upon Your love and mercy. Jesus saved us. Obama is really darkness and betray our country to antichrist.
He is going to jail and kill millions of us this year. Lock and load