Remember when those fighting against Obamacare warned how exorbitant the costs would be, yet the left screamed, “They are trying to scare you!”?
Welcome to the reality bites segment of Obamacare, the “Penalty Phase”. Not only has Obama and his cronies forced all America into purchasing something that is over priced and for many not affordable, but will punish the individual with a penalty…aka tax, if one does not buy said insurance.
Americans who choose not to get qualified health care coverage, for whatever reason, will get a hefty hand slap in the form of a financial penalty each year they don’t have insurance.
Americans who filed tax returns in April this past year got a glimpse of the “Affordable Care Act” fines for 2014 for not having insurance and 2015 promises to be much worse. But wait, 2016 is even more tragically promising.
On the following page one can see a breakdown in these penalties and what is to be expected this coming year. Nothing affordable at all has come out of this albastross called Obamacare.
Penalties Are Obama’s Extra Pocket Change From The Poor that Can’t Pay For It,,, His Bonus ,,, Free Money To Obama And His Brotherhood,,, To Fund them To Kill Us… Perfect just Like$#%&!@*..
And 2016 will be the year when we all hang obozo and his wife along with killary and billy boy! It will be a great year to remember!
Yeah dream on.
We are all in for some hurting and shocks.
Sadly even the $25k penalty I would have to pay is a lot less than my insurance premiums for a family of 4 that doesn’t cover c**p
I hate to say it Vekslina but I do believe you are wrong, obamacare IS an abomination, but it will NOT be the scam of the century. obama has much bolder, more destructive plans for America…. the Climate Scam / Global wealth redistribution / Paris Treaty / TPP trade agreement / UN Control / loss of American Sovereignty & vilification the Constitution. He plans to hand the US to the worlds despots at the UN on a silver platter. They will control American wealth & force massive immigration. On the domestic side obama will continue to cripple the American economy, further divide our people & do his best to institute gun control and dole out “reparations”. obamacare was the first step but we can fix that, we can overcome that travesty. It was also the first major test case and we failed to stand up in enough numbers. America, in any semblance of her former self will not be able to withstand the coming assault if we, the People, don’t stand up soon.
Jeb Bush has a plan to replace Obama CAre with and has Stated so . Hillary Loves Obama Care and has no plan to change it at all . She wanted to do this when Bill Clinton was 1st POTUS but failed . She pushed it through this Time with Obamas Name stuck on it . Wonder how much $ Hillary and Obama have made off this Deal . We know the Insurance Co. did OK on it . Record Profits . And now Gov. Penalties amounting to Thousands ??? WOW have we been Hustled , and its a Law LOL !!! As i said Jeb Bush has a Plan to replace Obama Care . Jeb Bush will be the next POTUS Trust me !!
The annual fine is much less than the monthly fee. Who cares