The Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot is a biannual event that attracts more than 20,000 people, hundreds of which are machine gun owners who bring their guns and a whole lot of ammo. The video below shows several different views of this event, including a drone shot.
An estimated 50,000 rounds are fired during this fifteen minute volley, and judging by the explosions, gun owners hold no grudge about wasting all of that ammunition.
كان الانزال الامريكي الا لإنقاذ ما تبقى من قيادات داعش المرتبطة بالمخابرات الامريكية الإسرائيلية المحاصرة من قبل قوات الحشد الشعبي المقدس… فداعش لا يحتفظ بالأسرى بل يعدمهم مباشرةً…
مساعدات غذائية وأسلحة أسقطتها الطائرات الأمريكية بالمظلات مرسله لدواعش العراق أسقطتها الطائرات لسد النقص الحاد عندهم تقع بيد رجال الحشد الشعبي المقدس بعد سيطرتهم على المناطق التي كان يحتلها داعش وقطع خطوط الامداد عليهم
وهذا فيديو توثيقي …
What was the US landing except to save the rest of the leaders Daash associated with the US-Israeli intelligence besieged by the crowd the popular Holy forces … Fdaash not held prisoners, but execute them directly …
Food aid and weapons dropped by American planes parachuted Doaash sent to Iraq dropped by aircraft to meet the acute shortage of them, however, lies the popular holy men of the crowd after control of the areas that were occupied Daash them and cut supply lines
This video documentary …