Tolerance has limits and American had reached it. Two hundred protesters gathered for a second time outside the Islamic Community Center near Interstate 17 and Northern Avenue in Phoenix to protest the Muslim religion.
And this is just a part of a nationwide rally.
The Phoenix rally is just one segment that coincides with protests at mosques in over 20 cities across the country for what is called The Global Rally for Humanity. More protesting and a video on the next page:
Get out of our country, dame trouble makers.
Good going
Good for them, bout time someone stood up for the US ,we need to take back our country.
People are finally starting to wake up !!!!
There are about 80 thousand Muslims living in the DFW area. We have a Muslim Mosque three blocks from my house. They happen to be Sunni which I learned when they had their grand opening. You never read about them commiting crimes in our area because most are very educated. The women only were a shawl. I have never seen any women cover their face.
about time Americans stand-up for our rights and values
The Muslims should all be deported. They do not want to assimilate. They want us to be like them. This is a free country. Go back to your country that you fight for here. See how they will treat you. I thought so. Just shut up. We do not believe in your unholy. Quran.
Bring Pig blood and urine with you . pour it on the side walk in front of them.
Blow up their so called worship place.
donna sounds you planning a terrorist attack there..