Tolerance has limits and American had reached it. Two hundred protesters gathered for a second time outside the Islamic Community Center near Interstate 17 and Northern Avenue in Phoenix to protest the Muslim religion.
And this is just a part of a nationwide rally.
The Phoenix rally is just one segment that coincides with protests at mosques in over 20 cities across the country for what is called The Global Rally for Humanity. More protesting and a video on the next page:
Tear it down kick the muslims out of America
America is waking up at last!!!
Way to go to these #Patriots. Lets all do our part and get involved anywhere you hear about a protest happening. Perhaps the government will hear our screams about these irrational murdering idiots. Something has to happen before they take over our neighborhoods.
Lol probably
This needs to grow to an American protest in every city of this country it is probably your last chance to exercise your right to peaceful assembly.
Go Phoenix!
About time
#Donald Trump
Yes, I am a very Proud Female Supporting and VOTING for TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!!!!!
Yes, don’t come here for what you believe, it is dead.
Seems anti American.