The left love “peaceful protesters” — and they’re willing to use the term even when the protests turn violent.
The recent rise of anti-Trump riots has largely been welcomed the the American press. They view the rioters as warriors for democracy who can do no wrong. Each protest is described as “peaceful” — even if they’re not — and each act of violence is shrugged off or blamed on the rise of Donald Trump.
But the justice system doesn’t seem to share the press’ love for vandalism and violence.
Since Trump’s inauguration in Washington D.C., hundreds of rioters have been arrested on charges of illegal protest and vandalism. And they’re not done making arrests. This week, several more were indicted for their involvement in the January 20th riots.
Read about the large-scale crackdown on the next page:
Say hi to bubba
From your post, looks you failed liberal grade school (not surprising for a snowflake).
Actions DO have consequences!
Eric L Runion
Rioters and they should be thankful they weren’t charged as Terrorists
Words without overt action are Rights… Recognized and Protected
See this$#%&!@*isn’t fair! Arrest those thugs because they tried to destroy a town called D.C. But not arrest the thugs who burned up Ferguson MO or Baltimore MD!
Just because it’s D.C. arrests and charges abound.
Your daddy uncles are great voters
Good. I hope they do time.
good. Maxium sentence. This mess must be stopped. Why arent these people at work or in school or doing something constructive ,rather than destroying other peoples property????